What does it mean when a process box is greyed out?
Orchestration dependency definitions must be defined within one orchestration plan definition.
What must you do before you can create a product attribute?
Manual Queues are created automatically by the orchestration Execution Engine as needed to organize Manual Tasks created by the order orchestration process.
What is required to enable an orchestration system?
What is order orchestration? ###
When creating a decomposition relationship using Product Class, what are the source and target objects?
What is a Custom Task Execution URL?
What is the relationship between an orchestration plan and an orchestration plan definition.
What field is used to associate commercial products with a product class when configuring decomposition by product class?
How does a user begin processing a Manual Task?
How can you create a quote from an existing asset?
What does it mean when process boxes are stacked vertically in an orchestration plan?
When creating a Many-to-One (M:1) decomposition relationship, what will happen if the source and destination attributes have the same name?