happens when you request a page that has no layout defined in the presentation details?
shared layout?
What happens if you don't set any insert options?
Are all items pages in a Sitecore project?
What types of Visual Studio projects does Sitecore support?
Describe how media is stored in Sitecore
What are some recommended practices when creating templates?
Where should you set insert options as a best practice?
What can you use to translate fields and Help texts in the Sitecore Client?
When you created a module and want to share with the community
What's the name of Sitecore's default search result class?
When do you set presentation details?
Why should you avoid defining the same field multiple times in more than one template?
In a Rich Text field, the field source is used to specify an
Name the different types of MVC renderings
What data template must be used as a base template for your Parameters Template?
You're setting up a Sitecore instance to accommodate 3 public facing websites. Where will you map which home item corresponds to each host name?
What is the name of the template all templates should inherit from?
Which class can you use to access the contents of a TreeList field?
What tools are recommended to be used for item Sterilization in Sitecore?
From which template should items eventually inherit in Sitecore?