Your customer has a requirement where the maximum allowed discount for all products with ‘’Accessory product Type is 20%, except for user Type ‘’Manager’’, who are allowed to discount up to 30% on all products, what is the standard way to implement his requirement?
Attribute ‘’memory ‘’ has a ‘’user Selection w/Quantity inputs for each Attribute value’’ Attribute type.
Which Display type should you use to allow the input of quantities in the configurator?
What is the right tag to use for the calculation formula of a Quote Item Custom Field if its value depends on a product attribute value?
What would be the standard way to let a user input quantity within the product configuration?
A user has a product that needs to be added to the quote with multiple hierarchy levels. The parent product configuration must also be displayed in the quote, which type of product best meets this requirement?
The base price of a product was changed, where can you investigate when the changes occurred?
The customer has requested two Cart views to allow the user Type Sales manager to also see the standard field ‘’Cost’ ’ of each item while user Type Sales can only see standard fields “List’’
Price “Discount’’ and Extended Amount’’. What administrator steps are needed to implement this requirement?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
On a Configurable Product that contains one Checkbox Attribute marked as line item, you have selected three out of possible six price options. How many lines in total will be added to Quote?
Which tag will retrieve the product part number within the same product configuration?
Which method are available to nest child products within a Configuration?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Which method can you use to expose a quote custom field in the Quotes List Page?
What are the most common uses for a container?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.