The principle underlying the contingent claims approach to measuring credit risk equates the cost of eliminating credit risk for a firm to be equal to:
Which of the following statements are true in relation to Monte Carlo based VaR calculations:
I. Monte Carlo VaR relies upon a full revalution of theportfolio for each simulation
II. Monte Carlo VaR relies upon the delta or delta-gamma approximation for valuation
III. Monte Carlo VaR can capture a wide range of distributional assumptions for asset returns
IV. Monte Carlo VaR is less compute intensive than Historical VaR
Which of the following are a CRO's responsibilities:
I. Statutory financial reporting
II. Reporting to the audit committee
III. Compliance with risk regulatory standards
IV. Operational risk
If a borrower has a default probability of 12% over one year, what is the probability of default over a month?
Which of the following can be used to reduce credit exposures to a counterparty:
I. Netting arrangements
II. Collateral requirements
III. Offsetting tradeswith other counterparties
IV. Credit default swaps
When pricing credit risk for an exposure, which of the following is a better measure than the others:
There are three bonds in a diversified bond portfolio, whose default probabilities are independent of each other and equal to 1%, 2% and 3% respectively over a 1 year time horizon. Calculate the probability that none of the three bonds will default.
According to the Basel framework, shareholders' equity and reserves are considered a part of:
Which of the following risks and reasons justify the use of scenario analysis in operational riskmodeling:
I. Risks for which no internal loss data is available
II. Risks that are foreseeable but have no precedent, internally or externally
III. Risks for which objective assessments can be made by experts
IV. Risks that are known to exist, but for which no reliable external or internal losses can be analyzed
V. Reducing the complexity of having to fit statistical models to internal and external loss data
VI. Managing the capital estimation process as to produce estimates in line with management's desired capital buffers.
Which of the following best describes a 'break clause ?
Which of the following steps are required for computing the total loss distribution for a bank for operational risk once individual UoM level loss distributions have been computed from the underlhying frequency and severity curves:
I. Simulate number of losses based onthe frequency distribution
II. Simulate the dollar value of the losses from the severity distribution
III. Simulate random number from the copula used to model dependence between the UoMs
IV. Compute dependent losses from aggregate distribution curves
Which of the following statements is true:
I. Recovery rate assumptions can be easily made fairly accurately given past data available from credit rating agencies.
II. Recovery rate assumptions are difficult to make given the effect of the business cycle, nature of the industry and multiple other factors difficult to model.
III. The standard deviation of observed recovery rates is generally very high, making any estimate likely to differ significantly from realized recovery rates.
IV. Estimation errors for recovery rates are not a concern as they are not directionally biased and will cancel each other out over time.
What isthe risk horizon period used for credit risk as generally used for economic capital calculations and as required by regulation?
If P be the transition matrix for 1 year, how can we find the transition matrix for 4 months?
An operational loss severity distribution is estimated using 4 data points from a scenario. The management institutes additional controls to reduce the severity of the loss if the risk is realized, and as a result the estimated losses from a 1-in-10-year losses are halved. The 1-in-100 loss estimate however remains the same. What would be the impact on the 99.9th percentile capital required for this risk as a result of the improvement in controls?
Which of the following belong in a credit risk report?
Under the contingent claims approach to credit risk, risk increases when:
I. Volatility of the firm's assets increases
II. Risk free rate increases
III. Maturity of the debt increases
What would be the correct order of steps to addressing data quality problems in an organization?
Which of the following is true for the actuarial approach to credit risk modeling (CreditRisk+):
If the annual default hazard rate for a borrower is 10%, what is the probability that there is no default at the end of 5 years?
Which of the following distributions is generally not used for frequency modeling for operational risk
According to the Basel II framework, subordinated term debt that was originally issued 4 years ago with amaturity of 6 years is considered a part of:
Which of the following statements is true
I. If no loss data is available, good quality scenarios can be used to model operational risk
II. Scenario data can be mixed with observed loss data for modeling severity and frequency estimates
III. Severity estimates should not be created by fitting models to scenario generated loss data points alone
IV. Scenario assessments should only be used as modifiers to ILD or ELD severity models.
Under the internal ratings based approach for risk weighted assets, for which of the following parameters must each institution make internal estimates (as opposed to relying upon values determined by a national supervisor):
In estimating credit exposure for a line of credit, it is usual to consider:
Which of the following are valid approaches for extreme value analysis given a dataset:
I. The Block Maxima approach
II. Least squares approach
III. Maximum likelihood approach
IV. Peak-over-thresholds approach
A corporate bond maturing in 1 year yields 8.5% per year,while a similar treasury bond yields 4%. What is the probability of default for the corporate bond assuming the recovery rate is zero?
The probability of default of a security during the first year after issuance is 3%, that during the second and third years is 4%, and during the fourth year is 5%. What is the probability that it would not have defaulted at the end of four years from now?
Which of the following event types is hacking damage classified under Basel II operational risk classifications?
Which of the following describes rating transition matrices published by credit rating firms:
If X represents a matrix with ratings transition probabilities for one year, the transition probabilities for 3 years are given by the matrix:
An assumption regarding the absence of ratings momentum is referred to as:
What would be the consequences of a model of economic risk capital calculation that weighs all loans equallyregardless of the credit rating of the counterparty?
I. Create an incentive to lend to the riskiest borrowers
II. Create an incentive to lend to the safest borrowers
III. Overstate economic capital requirements
IV. Understate economic capitalrequirements
Under the standardized approach to calculating operational risk capital under Basel II, negative regulatory capital charges for any of the business units:
For a corporate bond, which of the following statements is true:
I. The credit spread is equal to the default rate times the recovery rate
II. The spread widens when the ratings of the corporate experience an upgrade
III. Both recovery rates and probabilities of default are related to the business cycle and move in oppositedirections to each other
IV. Corporate bond spreads are affected by both the risk of default and the liquidity of the particular issue
According to Basel II's definition of operational loss event types, losses due to acts by third parties intended to defraud, misappropriate property or circumvent the law are classified as: