How frequently must alarms on external doors of a card production and provisioning vendor environment be tested?
In relation to guards, which of the following must the vendor ensure?
An assessor must provide which of the following to their client at the start of every assessment?
Which of the follow best describes a Technical FAQ?
During an assessment you do a walk-through of bringing card products into the HSA using the goods-tools trap. You act as production staff, using an empty cardboard box as the card products. During the process, the guard escorts you, along with the box, into the pre-press room. What is your conclusion?
Which of the following principles must be enforce by the HSA Access Control system?
For how long must a vendor retain all applicant and employee background information on file?
To liberate a person detected inside of the inner shipping delivery room and stop the alarm, the software monitoring the access-control system must only allow the opening of which door?
When must HSA motion detectors generate an alarm event?
A cardholder wants to make purchases using their phone, so they have their cardholder information programmed into their SIM card using their mobile phone provider. Which of the following best describes this system?
A vendor receives cardholder information and keys from a bank. The vendor then performs the following:
* Uses its HSM to create keys
* Creates cardholder information specific to each cardholder, including name and PAN
* Formats the data for the hardware that will put it on a card
* Writes it to an encrypted file
Which of the following best describes this process?
Which of the following must be used by the vendor to protect doors that provide access to buildings containing air conditioning equipment?
Which of the following personnel changes must result in the vendor notifying the Vendor Program Administration (VPA)?
A vendor hosts virtual secure elements holding cardholder information in their data center. When a cardholder makes a purchase, the vendor creates a payment token which is sent to the cardholder’s mobile device. Which of the following best describes the vendor’s activities?
A CPSA Company has submitted multiple reports that are incomplete and do not contain the information described in the reporting instructions. Which of the following are possible outcomes?