Explanation: The code fragment is using the Stream API to perform a reduction operation on a list of ElectricProduct objects. The reduction operation consists of three parts: an identity value, an accumulator function, and a combiner function. The identity value is the initial value of the result, which is 0.0 in this case. The accumulator function is a BiFunction that takes two arguments: the current result and the current element of the stream, and returns a new result. In this case, the accumulator function is (a,b) -> a + b.getPrice (), which means that it adds the price of each element to the current result. The combiner function is a BinaryOperator that takes two partial results and combines them into one. In this case, the combiner function is (a,b) -> a + b, which means that it adds the two partial results together.
The code fragment then applies a filter operation on the stream, which returns a new stream that contains only the elements that match the given predicate. The predicate is p -> p.getPrice () > 10, which means that it selects only the elements that have a price greater than 10. The code fragment then applies a map operation on the filtered stream, which returns a new stream that contains the results of applying the given function to each element. The function is p -> p.getName (), which means that it returns the name of each element.
The code fragment then calls the collect method on the mapped stream, which performs a mutable reduction operation on the elements of the stream using a Collector. The Collector is Collectors.joining (“,”), which means that it concatenates the elements of the stream into a single String, separated by commas.
The code fragment then prints out the result of the reduction operation and the result of the collect operation, separated by a new line. The result of the reduction operation is 300.00, which is the sum of the prices of all ElectricProduct objects that have a price greater than 10. The result of the collect operation is CellPhone,ToyCar,Motor,Fan, which is the concatenation of the names of all ElectricProduct objects that have a price greater than 10.
Therefore, the output of the code fragment is:
300.00 CellPhone,ToyCar,Motor,Fan
References: Stream (Java SE 17 & JDK 17) - Oracle, Collectors (Java SE 17 & JDK 17) - Oracle