Which modes does the vi editor run in? (Choose two.)
You want to redirect both output and error messages of the find command to the find-output file.
Which command accomplishes this task?
What is the purpose of the ssh-agent command?
What does the Activity Overview in GNOME show? (Choose three.)
What is described as follows:
If content of a block changes, the changed block is put beside the non-changed block.
When you connect to an ssh server with your ssh client, the pubic key of the server is compared to the keys
stored in a file on the client computer.
Which file is this?
Which option do you use to write the output of the ‘hwinfo’ command to a log file?
What is the naming format for RPM packages?
To which process does the process ID 1 always belong on SLES12?
Which protocol is used to send messages by the ping command?
Where are systemd unit files stored? (Choose two.)
You wonder which installed RPM package the /etc/exports file belongs to.
Which command will give you the desired information?
You are viewing the manual page of crontab, but it does not contain the information you are looking for. You
suspect there is another crontab manual page.
Which command could you use to find out if another crontab manual page exists? (Choose two.)
What commands can be used to view processes? (Choose three.)
What is the result of the following command?
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdd bs=512 count=1