Custom duration in milliseconds as a parameter for the setDuration method is available when you are working with:
What do you want from Room when you create a DAO method and annotate it with @Update?
public interface MyDao {
public void updateUsers(User... users);
If no any folder like res/anim-
In a common Paging Library architecture scheme, move instances to the correct positions.
What is the placeholder tag
Custom views and directional controller clicks. On most devices, clicking a view using a directional controller sends (to the view currently in focus) a KeyEvent with:
In application theme style, flag windowNoTitle (
An overridden method onCreateOptionsMenu in an Activity returns boolean value. What does this value mean?
What method should we use with Notification.Builder to supply a PendingIntent to be sent when the notification is clicked?
In Android 8.0, API level 26, some APIs regarding notification behaviors were moved from Notification to NotificationChannel. For example, what should we use instead of NotificationCompat.Builder.setPriority() for Android 8.0 and higher?
In general, you should send an AccessibilityEvent whenever the content of your custom view changes. For example, if you are implementing a custom slider bar that allows a user to select a numeric value by pressing the left or right arrows, your custom view should emit an event of type TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_CHANGED whenever the slider value changes. Which one of the following sample codes demonstrates the use of the sendAccessibilityEvent() method to report this event.
If you want the Database Inspector to automatically update the data it presents as you interact with your running app, check the Live updates checkbox at the top of the inspector window. While live updates are enabled, what happens with the table in the inspector window?
In a class PreferenceFragmentCompat. What method is called during onCreate(Bundle) to supply the preferences for this fragment. And where subclasses are expected to call setPreferenceScreen (PreferenceScreen) either directly or via helper methods such as addPreferencesFromResource (int)?
The easiest way of adding menu items (to specify the options menu for an activity) is inflating an XML file into the Menu via MenuInflater. With menu_main.xml we can do it in this way:
As an example. Our MutableLiveData
In a class extended PreferenceFragmentCompat. What method is used to inflate the given XML resource and add the preference hierarchy to the current preference hierarchy?
For example, we have a file in our assets folder app/src/main/assets/sample_teas.json. To get an InputStream for reading it, from out Context context, we can try do this:
When your code execution reaches the breakpoint, Android Studio pauses execution of your app. You can then use the tools in the Debugger tab to identify the state of the app. With Step Into you can
What happens when you create a DAO method and annotate it with @Insert?
interface MyDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun insertUsers(vararg users: User)