How are VoiceXML pages produced during a GVP call session?
Which version of the VoiceXML Specification does GVP version 8.0 support?
Based on the Popgateway1.log shown, what event occurred?
Which VCS/IPCS component controls the TDM telephony or IP Telephony interfaces?
Which is the valid dialing mode for Outbound Contact campaigns when using GVP?
The Voice Communication Server (VCS) processes __________ calls.
Based on the Popgateway1.log shown, what event occurred?
Which of the following chararacters should NOT be included in a GVP hostname?
Is it necessary to declare and configure IVR-TServer in CME when the IVR is in a Behind
configuration? Choose the best statement.
When configuring GVP 8.1.2, Metadata can be imported through Genesys Administrator and
Configuration Manager.
What RTP protocol is used for the IPCS SIP interface?
Refer to the I-Server client log entry. What event might have occurred to cause this log entry?
The IVR Server Client is installed on A __________.
When your GVP deployment requirements include SIP, Speech Recognition, and Text to Speech
using MRCP, which of the following would need to be installed (and not necessarily in this order)?
The purpose of the Media Gateway is to __________.
To bring up the 9810 listener window in EMPS you need to expand Server, CORE, click on
The components that make up a GVP 8.1.2 implementation can be stopped and started using the Monitoring tab in Genesys Administrator.
When you make a change to a parameter, such as PopGateway, Route1, Route Type - from
InBound to OutBound, what needs to happen for this change to go into effect?