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Exin SIAMP EXIN SIAM Professional Exam Exam Practice Test

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Total 56 questions

EXIN SIAM Professional Exam Questions and Answers

Question 1

The CEO of ZYX is proposing a big bang approach for the SIAM implementation.

For what reason does the CEO propose this?



ZYX has a number of smaller contracts ending within the next few months


ZYX needs to quickly achieve organizational changes in different business units


ZYX would have a clean break from legacy issues including undesirable working practices


ZYX is unwilling to accept the increased risk of a phased implementation

Question 2

A consequence of ZYX’s SIAM transition is that the small IT team of 5 staff within ZYXUK, who currently develop and support small stand-alone applications, are being displaced, with their roles outsourced to a new external service provider. This external service provider will provide a standardized approach to the development and B support of bespoke applications across all of the ZYX organizations It is hoped that this will allow similar requirements from different ZYX organizations to be identified a more manner

The impacted staff is expected to be reluctant to transfer to the new service provider, who is based outside of the UK and has a very different organizational culture B I he project team is concerned that these staff members may either be reluctant to pass on their knowledge of the existing applications, or may leave before knowledge transfer can take place

What would be the most effective strategy for handling this risk?



identify the one or two key members of the team, who have the greatest knowledge of the applications Find these individuals suitable alternative roles within the retained IT capability, to ensure that the knowledge does not leave the organization


identify a minimum set of documentation. Task the impact team to produce or update these documents for each application. Put in place a handover process which includes formal review and sign-off of the documents by the new service provider


Provide clear communication to the impacted staff regarding why the change is happening, the implications for themselves and the timescales involved. Incentivize some or all of the impacted staff to remain throughout the handover and early life support phases.


Take immediate steps to embed staff from the new service provider, to work alongside the impacted staff members Initiate a coordinated exercise to ensure that all existing documentationregarding the applications is brought up to date.

Question 3

The outline SIAM model has been determined.

-SIAMRUS will be the service integrator.

-The development teams from ZYXS and ZYXUK will merge to provide global application development and support services

-ZYXS will also provide a centralized service desk, desktop support, and field engineer support.

-OUTSCO will provide hosting e-mail services, the wide area network, and local area networks under new contracts

-All services currently hosted by ZYXS or ZYXD will transfer to OUTSCO

The strategy is to transfer the current services to these named service providers as the legacy contracts expire

The merger with the Tokyo-based competitor has started and is expected to complete in 3 months' time. As part of the merger the services currently provided by the Tokyo-based internal functions will transfer to ZYXS and ZYXUK. The planning for this has only just started, there is insufficient time to create and test a detailed plan

What is the most appropriate implementation approach for the ZYX SIAM model?

What is the most appropriate implementation approach for the ZYX SIAM model?



Big bang with all service providers onboarded at once


Phased approach by ZYX organization and location


Phased approach by service or group of services


Phased approach by incumbent service provider

Question 4

The ZYX Board of Directors is considering which SIAM structure should be selected for the ZYX SIAM model

What is most likely to influence the selection?



Planned expansion of ZYX into other countries


The attitude of the ZYXUK Directors


The content of the report from SIAMRUS


Understanding existing capabilities in ZYX

Question 5

ZYXS has been chosen as the service integrator. Immediately after implementation an issue has arisen with a high priority incident. OUTSCO and ZYXD are passing the incident between them and are blaming each other for not owning the solution. Meanwhile the incident is approaching its target resolution time and may breach its service level

What should ZYXS do first?



Call a meeting of the senior representatives of OUTSCO and ZXYD to agree on an approach


Convene an immediate meeting with OUTSCO and ZYXD to agree steps to resolve the incident


Escalate the dispute to a SIAM governance lead in ZYXH who has the authority to make an enforceable decision


Request a meeting with the purchasing department to get a definitive contractual view of responsibility

Question 6

ZYX decided to use a phased approach for implementation SIAMRUS was appointed as the service integrator and is now live

The next phase is to replace the services currently provided by OUTSCO with services provided by ZYXS, ZYXD, FIELDSCO and NETSCO. This is expected to be completed in 2 months OUTSCO has established a small transition team to assist with the service transfer

Over the past 4 months the performance of the OUTSCO service desk has deteriorated, with 50% of calls to the service desk exceeding the call answer time service level OUTSCO has admitted that this is due to reduced numbers of staff on their service desk

What is the best approach to address the service level failures?



Apply service credits to OUTSCO according to their contract


Ask SIAMRUS staff to take over the work of the transition team


Move staff from the transition team back into the service desk


Offer OUTSCO a bonus for any service level improvements

Question 7

The ZYX Board of Directors decided that the proposal from SIAMRUS for ZYXUK was not suitable to be used for the whole of the group, and asked the ZYXS IT Director to lead the creation of a new SIAM strategy. This new SIAM strategy has now been approved by the NEWGEN Executive Steering Board.

What is the best approach to ensure that the ZYXUK Management Board supports the implementation of this SIAM Strategy?



Delay the implementation of the strategy until the ZYXUK Management Board has formally approved it


Ensure that each ZYXUK Management Board member is teamed with a member of the strategy team they know


Ensure that the ZYXUK stakeholders understand how their perspective has been considered within the strategy


Provide financial incentives to buy into the strategy for ZYXUK stakeholders who are not yet convinced

Question 8

ZYX has decided to create an internal service provider for application development and support This new service provider is formed by merging relevant staff from every ZYX company with the necessary capabilities and skills.

This internal service provider will operate from multiple locations, which enables the provision of year-round 24-hour support.

A capability framework for application development and support is drawn up for the new internal service provider

What will the development of the capability framework help to address?



Establish a process forum for application development and support


Map skill levels for application development and support roles


Support effective working between staff in the different locations


Understand the boundaries and interactions with other service providers

Question 9

Project NEWGEN was completed against demanding timescales Because of time pressures, ZYX reduced the scope for testing of the end-to-end processes.

-SIAMRUS is the service integrator and also provider of the service desk for the SIAM ecosystem

-ZYXS is the internal service provider for NEWBNK, which is hosted by OUTSCO

-NETSCO provides the wide area network connecting the OUTSCO data center to the banks using NEWBNK.

Since the transition to SIAM, users of NEWBNK have experienced a significant increase in the time taken to fix incidents The ZYX sales team is now experiencing resistance from customers who were expected to migrate to NEWBNK This is affecting the planned rollout of the new application The ZYX sales team has told the customers that the issues were caused by the providers to ZYX not working together, and not the NEWBNK application itself.

What is the best approach for SIAMRUS to improve the situation?



Design and implement a program of organizational change management and skills training with each service provider and measure the success of it


Implement a new customer marketing campaign focusing on the benefits of NEWBNK and stress that the issues are temporary and will be resolved M|


Implement Lean systems thinking in each provider to review and optimize the procedures, eliminating waste within the internal activities of the providers


Use the process forums to mao analyze and improve the end to end processes assigning specific activities to appropriate mdividuals

Question 10

ZYX has appointed a service integrator in addition to measunng specific service provider service levels, the ZYX Board of Directors also wants information on end-to-end process KPIs based on business outcomes

The KPIs that the ZYX Board would like are

-End-to-end availability of services supporting sales activity

-End-to-end resolution time for support requests received from users

-Timeliness of invoice production, distribution and payment

How should the service integrator implement these KPIs?



Bring the providers together to map the services, and define and agree on the supporting measurements


Engage a team of consultants from SIAMRUS to map the processes and define the calculations required


Review the existing KPIs used by all providers to see which ones can be used as the new KPIs


Request ZYX to produce data definitions and distnbute these to the service providers

Question 11

ZYXH is the head office of the ZYX corporation, with responsibility for corporate strategy, global investments, procurement, contract governance and financial reporting of the performance of ZYX Corporation

The corporate strategy of ZYX contains these objectives

-Ensure delivery against contracts

-Invest in and train all ZYX staff

-Reduce operating costs

-Be ready to adapt to change

The ZYX strategy requires that the costs of the service integrator should be as low as possible

The ZYX Board of Directors has introduced additional policies that supplement the corporate strategy The policies immediately apply to all new services, providers, and contracts and include the following guidelines

-No contract can be longer than 2 years duration

Service levels in contracts must be continually updated to reflect increasing customer requirements

-Service providers who fail service levels for more than 3 consecutive months must be replaced

The service integrator must also be replaced if the end to end service levels fail for 3 consecutive months

-The number and variety of service providers must be increased

-There must be more small providers and commodity providers

-Additional staff can be recruited within ZYX where there are clear business benefits

In this scenario, who would be most likely to be proposed as the service integrator?










Question 12

The SIAM strategy for ZYX has been agreed:

-There will be a mix of new service providers and continuing existing service providers

-An external service integrator will be appointed

-ZYXS will provide the service desk.

-An agreement has been reached with OUTSCO to extend their contract to provide services to ZYXUK by two years

As key activities for the critical path to implement the SIAM model for ZYX, three parties must be transitioned into the SIAM model (listed in random order):

-continuing service providers

-the service integrator

-new service providers

In this instance, which sequence of activities offers the least risk to continuity of service for all ZYX companies'?



All parties at the same time


First the continuing service providers, then the service integrator and the new service providers last


First the service integrator, then the new service provider, and the continuing service providers last


First the service integrator, then both continuing and new service providers at the same time

Question 13

One year ago. OUTSCO was appointed as the service integrator for ZYX. ZYXH provides the retained capabilities.

After a year of operating the SIAM model, OUTSCO has noticed that the 99 5% availability service level target for NEWBNK has been consistently overachieved by 0.4% every month.

In order to provide better value to ZYX and to challenge the service providers in their delivery, ZYXH would like to increase the availability target to 99 9% as soon as possible.

What is the best way of doing this?



Ascertain the cost of the change from ZYXS, ZYXD and NETSCO and base the decision to proceed on a cost-benefit analysis


Hold a meeting with ZYXS to discuss the feasibility of the increase and base the decision to change the target on their views


Send an e-mail from OUTSCO to all service providers that the NEWBNK availability target is going to increase with immediate effect


Tell ZYXS. ZYXD and NETSCO that the target is increasing and give them 3 months to make the necessary changes

Question 14

The SIAM model in ZYX has been successfully implemented and operational for 6 months All service providers have signed up to multi-party service level agreements and a detailed collaboration agreement. All providers are either using or interfacing with the common ITSM tool.

NETSCO is providing all LAN and WAN services across the group Although NETSCO is consistently achieving all of its service levels and attends all necessary meetings. NETSCO is not contributing to the overall relationship with the other service providers.

The service integrator wishes to address this problem with NETSCO

What action should the service integrator take?



Do nothing immediately as it is still early in the contract but monitor the contributions from NETSCO.


Hold a meeting with NETSCO to discuss why they are not engaging in the cultural elements of the contract


Reinforce the need for positive cultural engagement from all service providers at the next service provider forum.


There is nothing that the service integrator can do as NETSCO is meeting all of the contracted service levels .

Question 15

ZYX has decided on their SIAM strategy and appointed SIAMRUS as the service integrator.

The decision has been made to consolidate services into four service groups (in order of proportion of the services)

-OUTSCO: service desk, desktop and laptop support services, networking, infrastructure support

-ZYXS bespoke application support and development

-ZYXD data centers and hosting

-BANKSCO: BCT and BNK application support

Services from all other current service providers will be transitioned into these service groups as their contracts expire

After the service integrator has been onboarded, which of the providers should be onboarded as the first priority?










Question 16

ZYX has used a phased approach for implementing the SIAM model

-ZYXS is the service integrator and provides the service desk for the SIAM ecosystem

-NETSCO had all network services transitioned to them

-OUTSCO has been selected to provide hosting services

The next phase is to transition all services currently hosted by ZYXS and ZYXD to OUTSCO Due to time pressures, it has not been possible to test how the services will perform after transition.

The ZYX CEO is concerned about the risks to the services and the ability of ZYX to be able to carry out its business activities She wishes that an early life support (ELS) function is implemented

What approach should be taken to resolve incidents and problems caused by the transition of services?



Complete the transition over a weekend when the number of people using the services will be low


Ensure that the ZYXS service desk is fully briefed and ready to handle any increase in call and incident volumes


Establish a data room containing all information about the services so that facts and data can be quickly checked


Set up a short-term function with staff from BANKSCO, ZYXS. ZYXD: ZYXG. NET$CO and OUTSCO

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