DataV is a powerful yet accessible data visualization tool, which features geographic information
systems allowing for rapid interpretation of data to understand relationships, patterns, and trends.
When a DataV screen is ready, it can embed works to the existing portal of the enterprise through
Score 2
An enterprise uses Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute for storage of service orders, system logs and
management data. Because the security levels for the data are different, it is needed to register multiple
Alibaba Cloud accounts for data management.
Score 1
Your company stores user profile records in an OLTP databases. You want to join the serecords with web server logs you have already ingested into the Hadoop file system.
What is the best way to obtain and ingest these user records?
MaxCompute tasks contain computational tasks and non-computational tasks. The
computational tasks require actual operations on data stored in the table. MaxCompute
parses the task to obtain its execution plan, and submits the task for execution. The noncomputational
tasks require substantial reading of and modification to metadata
information. Therefore, the task is not parsed, and no execution plan is provided. The
task is directly submitted for execution. The latter one has a faster response speed than
the former one. Which of the following operations on the table t_test is a computational
Alibaba Cloud Quick BI reporting tools support a variety of data sources, facilitating users to analyze
and present their data from different data sources. ______ is not supported as a data source yet.
Score 2
DataWorks can be used to create all types of tasks and configure scheduling cycles as needed. The
supported granularity levels of scheduling cycles include days, weeks, months, hours, minutes and
Score 1
MaxCompute supports two kinds of charging methods: Pay-As-You-Go and Subscription (CU cost).
Pay-As-You-Go means each task is measured according to the input size by job cost. In this charging
method the billing items do not include charges due to ______.
Score 2
There are multiple connection clients for MaxCompute, which of the following is the easiest way to
configure workflow and scheduling for MaxCompute tasks?
Score 2
DataV is a powerful yet accessible data visualization tool, which features geographic
information systems allowing for rapid interpretation of data to understand
relationships, patterns, and trends. When a DataV screen is ready, it can embed works to
the existing portal of the enterprise through ______.
By integrating live dashboards, DataV can present and monitor business data
simultaneously. This data-driven approach enables for well-organized data mining and
analysis allowing the user to seize new opportunities that otherwise might remain
hidden. It can support wide range of databases and data formats. Which of the following
options DataV does not support?
In order to ensure smooth processing of tasks in the Dataworks data development kit, you must
create an AccessKey. An AccessKey is primarily used for access permission verification between various
Alibaba Cloud products. The AccessKey has two parts, they are ____. (Number of correct answers: 2)
Score 2