Persuasive evidence of an arrangement does not exist when:
In which phase of competitive bidding process, fraudsters attempt to influence the selection of a contractor by restricting the pool of competitors from whom bids are sought?
Most of the shell company schemes involve the purchase of goods rather than services.
The most common method for billing scheme is:
Collusion or bid-rigging between bidders is called
A process by which several bidders conspire to split contracts up and ensure that each gets a certain amount of work is called:
Perceived certainty of detection is directly related to employee theft for respondents in all industry sectors, that is the stronger the perception that theft would be detected, the more the likelihood that the employee would engage in deviant behavior.
The person or persons who have access to __________ are often the targets of unethical vendors seeking an advantage in the process.
Verify supporting documentation on outstanding checks written for a material amount is a test used to conduct for:
Which of the following is NOT the example of bribery prevention policies?
_____________ involves purposeful misreporting of financial information about the organization that is intended to mislead those who read it.
According to accounting principles, ________ and ________ should be recorded or atched in the same accounting period; failing to do so violates the matching principle of AAP.
Employees with the authority to grant discounts in order to skim revenues may use which authority?
Which counts sometimes can give rise to inventory theft detection?
The behavior profile of employees who are involved in bribery schemes may include:
Employees steal an incoming payment and then place the incoming funds in an interest bearing account for:
Depreciation is especially applicable when companies try to overvalue their assets and net worth; the lower their depreciation expense, the higher the company’s profits.
One reason employees might be hesitant to use PO boxes in shell company schemes is that some businesses are specially vary of sending checks to vendors that have street addresses only.
In ___________ scheme, an employee creates false vouchers or submits false invoices to the employer.
Bank cut-off statements should be requested for 10-15 days after the closing date of the balance sheet.
__________ means that traditional bribery statutes proscribe only payments made to influence the decisions of government agents or employees.
The amount of cash on hand in a register may be compared to the amount showing in the register tape in order to detect _______.
______________ is required not only for theft, but for procedures to detect errors, avoid waste and insure a proper amount of inventory is maintained.
Which of the following is true for Red flags associated with fictitious revenues?
The price of an asset on which the asset is selling at on the open market in a transaction between a willing buyer and a wiling seller is called:
Which of the following is NOT the reason to bribe employees of the purchaser?
One of the simplest ways to justify unacceptable conduct and avoid guilt feelings is to invent a good reason for ________.